The Wandering Scot
An occasional travel journal.
New Mexico
Texas May 2021
El Paso
Big Bend
San Antonio
Part of a cross-country road trip from Arizona to Florida.
El Paso
View into Mexico, across narrow Rio Grande
View to downtown El Paso
Border Crossing - outbound
Border Crossing - inbound
Lobby of glamorous Paso del Norte Hotel
Big Bend National Park
An overcast, often drizzly, day
Cliffs on Mexican side of Rio Grande
Santa Elena Canyon
Rio Grande at Santa Elena Canyon
Rio Grande emerges from the narrow Santa Elena canyon
View from US side of Santa Elena Canyon
View down to sluggish, wadeable Rio Grande
Sluggish brown Rio Grande, near Boquillas Canyon
The Rio Grande enter Boquillas Canyon
A hard-to-spot slot between cliffs
Fort Stockton
Pecos County Courthouse
Old Pecos County Jail (1883)
Historic Fort Stockton (1868)
Ozona: Davy Crockett statue
Crockett County Courthouse (1902)
Pioneer Family memorial (1996)
Imposing Ozona National Bank
Crockett County school warning
San Antonio
The Alamo
Alamo Church
Patriotic visitors
Enthusiastic fast talking tour guide
James Bowie
David Crockett
William Barret Travis
Drawing a famous line in the dirt
Alamo Memorial
San Fernando Cathedral
19th c extension of 18th c core.
San Fernando Cathedral interior
Supposed remains of Alamo heroes
Mission San Jose
Fortified mission compound walls
San Jose Mission Church
San Jose Mission church interior
Mill (rebuild of 1794 original)
Grindstone, turned by water wheel below
Horizontal waterwheel in cellar
Powered by water from pool above
Texas State Capitol
Looking up...
Looking down...
Outside the House of Representatives Chamber
Texas House of Representatives
A vote about to close.
Texas Senate
Former State Treasury office
Sam Houston
Stephen F. Austin
"The Surrender of Santa Anna" (1886)
"David Crockett" (1889)
COVID-19 Rapid Test tent
Required for entry to Senate gallery
Lego model of Texas State Capitol
Texas State Capitol: Monuments and Memorials
Pioneers monument
Texas African American History Memorial
With an "Emancipation" central theme
Ten Commandments monument
(Confederate) Texas Rangers Monument
"Heroes of the Alamo" monument
"Heroes of the Alamao" detail
Confederate War Dead memorial
Austin Museums, etc.
Bullock Museum: Recovered Hull of
La Belle
Found in
La Belle
The Teax Cowboy: Myth building
Goddess of Liberty
From Texas State Capitol (1888)
Texas Memorial Museum: The Texas Pterosaur
Only a replica, but still very cool
Texas Memorial Museum: The Texas Pterosaur
With a forty foot wingspan
Unexpected tent encampment
Down by the riverfront
"Bishop's Palace" mansion
Galveston Red Cross monument
Galveston Seawall
Galveston Seawall
Moody Gardens: Rainforest Pyramid
Moody Gardens: Rainforest Pyramid
Pyramid interior
Green Tree Pythons
Poison dart frog
Komodo Dragon
Allen's Landing & Buffalo Bayou
Buffalo Bayou
Houston Space Center: Saturn V Temple
The Saturn V Temple
Houston Space Center
Apollo 17 Command Module
Apollo 17 Command Module
Mercury-9 capsule (1963)
Gemini-5 (1965)
Lunar lander (mockup)
Orion capsule (mockup)
Space Shuttle RS-25 engine (real)
Skylab mockup
Sklab mockup
Lunar mockup
Lunar basalt
Lunar breccia
Space Shuttle mockup on real 747 transporter
Inside the space shuttle mockup
Space shuttle controls (in mockup)
A recovered Falcon-9 first stage
The legs fold out for landing
"Grid fins" at top fold out to stabilize landing
New Mexico