A medieval walled city, lovingly restored in the 19th c by Eugène Viollet-le-Duc.
Between the double walls
19th c restored tower Note the steep slate roof
1960s re-restored tower. Note the unromantic flattish tile roof.
Basilique Saint Nazaire
Basilique Saint Nazaire
Basilique Saint Nazaire
The Palais des Papes is a mighty Fortress-Palace-Church that was the home of the 14th c Avignon popes.
Main Facade (1)
Main Facade (2)
Papal Chapel
Avignon Cathedral. 12th c core, much extended. BVM is 19th c.
Le Pont d'Avignon
Riverside defence.
Riverside city wall
View across Rhone to Fort Saint-André
Protest March Announcement Skilfully timed for my planned arrival in Paris.
A compact and densely built-up city state.
View to Old City and Prince's Palace
Prince’s Palace (Toured inside but 'No Photos!')
Oceanographic Museum Aquarium
The very grand, very famous, and very gaudy Casino de Monte-Carlo
117 miles North of Avignon
132 miles West of Berne
Champs Elysee
Arc de Triomphe
View from Arc de Triomphe
View to Montmartre
The Great Man himself
Washington in Paris!
Churchill in Paris!
Simon Bolivar in Paris!
Obelisk, Place de la Concorde
Notre Dame
Notre Dame interior
Eiffel Tower: center, looking up
Eiffel Tower security
Les Invalides
Church of the Dome, aka the Tomb of Napoleon
Tomb of Napoleon
Tomb of Napoleon
Napoleon bringing order out of chaos
Napoleon bringing the Code Napoleon "Clear and Accessible Law"
Napoleon fostering Industry and Commerce
La fee Electricite
... including James Watt
Delauney: Rythme 3 (1938)
Dunand: Les Sprts (1935)
Replica of Statue of Liberty flame
Louvre Pyramid
The Mona Lisa, through a thick glass darkly. An uncrowded early morning shot.
Later: Mona Lisa with adoring hordes
Bottocelli, Portrait of a Young Man (1470)
Goya, French Ambassador (1799)
Gros: Napoleon on the Bridge at Arcole Preparatory study for larger painting (1796)
Gros: Napoleon at the battle of Eylau (1808)
Louis David: Coronation of Napoleon (1808)
Michelangelo, The Dying Slave (1515)
Michelangelo, Rebel Slave (1515)
Winged Victory of Samothrace
Venus de Milo
Venus de Milo
Dying Gaul (~130 AD)
Funerary statue of Marcellus (~20 BC)
Head of a Young Man (~50 BC)
Apollo (1st c BC)
Satyr 2nd c AD
Satyr 2nd c AD
Artemis aka Diana (2nd c AD)
Gudea of Lagash (~2100 BC)
Code of Hammurabi (~1750 BC)
Persian column capital from Susa (~510BC)
Tile archers from Susa
Egyptian Scribe (~2400 BC)
Akhenaten (~1350 BC)
A fine pair of guardian Lamassu
Excited Scotsman with Lamasu
Crowded, detailed sea scene.
Detail from sea scene
A cast of the Chicago giant