The Wandering Scot

An occasional travel journal.

Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016

  Salt Lake City   Bozeman   Canada
My Yellowstone trip was the centerpiece in a Salt Lake City to Edmonton road trip.

Salt Lake City

SLC Temple, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
SLC Temple
Angel Moroni, atop SLC Temple, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Angel Moroni, atop SLC Temple
SLC Temple, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
SLC Temple
SLC Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
SLC Tabernacle
SLC Tabernacle, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
SLC Tabernacle
Brigham Young monument, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Brigham Young monument
Brigham Young monument, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Brigham Young monument
Utah State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Utah State Capitol
Utah State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Utah State Capitol
Utah State Capitol, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Utah State Capitol
State Capitol: House of Representatives, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
State Capitol: House of Representatives

Bozemna: Museum of the Rockies

The Museum of the Rockies is famous for its dinosaur collection. But they were also hosting an unexpected visiting exhibition on Oplontis, near Pompeii.
T-Rex, Bozemna: Museum of the Rockies, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Trceratops skull, Bozemna: Museum of the Rockies, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Trceratops skull
Array of age sorted Triceratops skulls, Bozemna: Museum of the Rockies, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Array of age sorted Triceratops skulls
From near Pompeii: A Roman Strongbox, Bozemna: Museum of the Rockies, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
From near Pompeii: A Roman Strongbox
Roman strongbox description, Bozemna: Museum of the Rockies, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Roman strongbox description
Roman dice from near Pompeii, Bozemna: Museum of the Rockies, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Roman dice from near Pompeii
Nike alighting.  From near Pompeii, Bozemna: Museum of the Rockies, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Nike alighting. From near Pompeii


Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Museum, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Museum
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Cliff, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump Cliff
Calgary: Unexpected Imam Hussain Rally We were approaching the, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Calgary: Unexpected Imam Hussain Rally
We were approaching the Shia holiday of Ashura
14 miles North of Calgary, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
14 miles North of Calgary
41 miles North of Calgary, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
41 miles North of Calgary
31 miles South of Edmonton, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
31 miles South of Edmonton
Edmonton: Robert Burns statue, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Edmonton: Robert Burns statue
Alberta Legislature, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Alberta Legislature
Alberta Legislature, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Alberta Legislature
Old Government House, Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
Old Government House
West Edmonton Mall "The Largest Mall in North America", Canada, Salt Lake City + Bozeman + Canada 2016
West Edmonton Mall
"The Largest Mall in North America"

 Yellowstone   Yellowstone