The Wandering Scot
An occasional travel journal.
Mass Games
Mongolia 2011
Ulan Bator
Central Mongolia
A visit to Ulan Bator and a short tour into Central Mongolia, with
Happy Camel
23 miles W of Beijing
200 miles W of Beijing
Inner Mongolia
Scrubby graslands.
Changing the Bogies
At the China-Mongolia border.
Blurry Gobi
In the early dawn.
Scrubby Grassland
Wild Yurts
Better grass: Cattle Country!
U.B. Outskirts
Fixed Yurts
Ulan Bator
Lenin in Ulan Bator
Mongolian Parliament
With Chinggis Khan and flanking Generals.
Chinggis Khan Statue
In front of Parliament
Natural History Museum
Dinosaur Eggs!
Dinosaur hatchlings
14th-15th c Leather Armor
National Museum of Mongolia
Mongolian Croswalk Sign
Ulan Bator
With steamy and smoky power stations
Power station
Opera House
Gandan Monastery Entrance
Temple at Gandan Monastery
Zaisan Memorial
Zaisan: The Revolution arrives in Mongolia
Zaisan: WWII Victory
With Mongolian Hero of the USSR??
Zaisan: Soviet-Mongolian Friendship
Zaisan: Heroic WWII Tank
With map showing his journey.
Central Mongolia
Our Trusty Steed
Ovgon Khiid
An old (restored) monastery complex.
A feast for the Gods.
Ovgon Khiid
A particularly warlike Buddhist "God"
Shank Khiid
Restored 17th c. complex.
Yurt Camp
My Yurt
Scotsman in a Yurt
Horse Skulls at hilltop shrine
Turtle Rock (Karakorum boundary marker)
Erdene Zuu Monastery
On the old Karakorum site
Erdene Zuu Monastery
Guide + Buddha
Another warlike Buddhist "God"
Turtle Rock
Karakorum boundary marker
Turtle Rock + Scotsman
Silver Deer (6th-8th c.)
Gold Didadem (6th-8th c.)
Gokturk Museum of Turkic period
�gii Nuur Lake
Happy Camel
Khar Bukh Balgas (10th-11th c.)
My guide, test-driving a horse.
At stop for mare's milk
Tsogt Taijiin Tsagaan Balga (17th c.)
"Fort of a Price who fought the Chinese"
Mass Games